Cost Comparison: Gas vs Electric Conversion Kits
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Cost Comparison: Gas vs Electric Conversion Kits

Mar 21, 2023 / By Admin User / in Electric Conversion Kit

Cost Comparison: Gas vs Electric Conversion Kits

When it comes to converting a gasoline-powered vehicle to an electric, there are two main options to choose from: a gas conversion kit or an electric conversion kit. Both of these kits have their pros and cons, and the final decision on which one to choose will come down to several factors, including a budget, personal preference, and the specifics of the vehicle being converted. In this blog, we will take a look at the costs associated with each of these kits, as well as some of the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Gas Conversion Kits

A gas conversion kit is a system that converts a gasoline-powered vehicle into a hybrid vehicle. This type of kit includes an electric motor and a battery pack that works in tandem with the gasoline engine. The electric motor assists the gasoline engine, helping to increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. The cost of a gas conversion kit ranges from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on the size of the vehicle being converted and the brand of the kit

Pros of a Gas Conversion Kit:

Cost-effective compared to an electric conversion kit.
Reduced emissions.
Increased fuel efficiency.
Simple installation process.
No need to change the existing transmission or drivetrain.

Cons of a Gas Conversion Kit:

Reduced electric-only range compared to an electric conversion kit.
The gasoline engine still needs to be used, which means it will continue to emit emissions.
The electric motor may not be as powerful as an electric conversion kit.

Electric Conversion Kits

An electric conversion kit is a complete system that replaces the gasoline engine and transmission with an electric motor and a battery pack. This type of kit is designed to turn a gasoline-powered vehicle into a fully electric vehicle. The cost of an electric conversion kit ranges from $10,000 to $50,000, depending on the size of the vehicle being converted and the brand of the kit.

Pros of an Electric Conversion Kit:

A complete electric vehicle with no emissions.
Increased electric-only range compared to a gas conversion kit.
Increased power and torque from the electric motor.
Reduced fuel costs.
Environmentally friendly.

Cons of an Electric Conversion Kit:

More expensive compared to a gas conversion kit.
More complex installation process.
The existing transmission and drivetrain need to be removed and replaced.
The battery pack may need to be replaced or refurbished over time, which will add to the overall cost of the conversion.


When considering a conversion kit, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each option and determine which one best fits your needs. A gas conversion kit is a more cost-effective option that provides some benefits, such as reduced emissions and increased fuel efficiency. However, if you are looking for a completely electric vehicle, an electric conversion kit is the way to go. Just be prepared for a higher upfront cost, as well as the need for more complex installation and maintenance. Ultimately, the choice between a gas or electric conversion kit will come down to personal preference and budget.

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